Today I ventured up arriving at about 0630, first pool seemed to have smaller fish as a majority today as the boils behind the fly showed, and not many boils either, more like a few boils in 3 hours fishing, and I cover the water well at this point.
Around 730 I have a fish to net, I hooked it on the swing during a phone call to the better half, have to hang up and fight the fish with 2 hands which is a small hen about 15 inches, I release her after a fiasco of getting the hook that went through her lower jaw hooked in my net, what a pissah!
I give up on this pool seeing hardly any action of note and head upstream to my favorite haunt, I arrive there to find 3 other fishermen in the various pools,....there is one open pool so I fish that one, and swing away with the Hellegramite, I arrive towards the woodpile at the tailout where I expect to find fish each time and sure enough I hookup to a large fish, couple headshakes and off it comes.
It wasn't coming back of course, but you never know perhaps another taker is in there,...3 flies later NO go!
I decide to go across the pool to another hotspot which is almost impossible to fish well unless you are an expert roll caster, which I happen to be,...lots of overhanging trees logjams, roots underwater hangs everywhere and of course its a salmon heaven. I swing away with the hellgramite and see nothing at the top, halfway down I feel a solid tug followed by a running splash of a large landlocked Atlantic salmon,...I land her a couple mins later after a few nice jumps and a couple respectable runs downstream. A nice thick fish of about 3-3.5 lbs.. and about 21 inches
I then fish a few more flies and find just more stubborn fish to end the day, only one more small fish that takes the fly on slack line and shakes the hook, still not a bad day on the river, the fish are there but very very flyshy at this point.
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